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Old August 3rd, 2007, 12:15 AM
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Default Re: Allegiances (Team Game, Experimental - Recruit

Reading all this, I'm really excited to play. Hopefully we will get two more soon. If not, can always do 2 vs 2 vs 2.

DrP: yes, let's do water.

Alright, so another adjustment to the themes:

DEMONIC: Lanka, Yomi, Abysia
VANIR: Vanheim, Helhiem, and Tir Og
BARBARIANS: Mictlan, Marverni, Sauromatia
CIVILIZATION: T'ien Ch'i, Arcoscephale, Ermor
HALF-MEN: C'tis, Pangea, Agartha
UNDERWATER: R'yleh, Oceana, Atlantis
FROZEN: Niefelhiem, Caelum, Ulm

I'll post this at the top as well.

We have the age and nations. Obviously, we'll do random teams. I have a random roll dice program which I'll use once we get 8 (or decide on 6).

After that, do we want to bid/draft for the theme each team will play? Or, random that as well? Seems like the consensus is for bid/draft.
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