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Old August 3rd, 2007, 08:44 AM
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Sensori Sensori is offline
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Default Re: Game: Star Fall (open)

Jazzepi said:
Only one turn, and already Hako's troops pour across our border. We offered them friendship, and alliance, and they repaid us with treachery.
Your words are empty and without meaning, damned men of Jomon. We heard from the lords of Ulm that you betrayed them, whom had a non-aggression pact with YOU, and who were fighting the evergrowing threat of the undead of Ermor! This makes their path clear and just. Your betrayal now only makes it painfully clear to the free nations of the world that you are indeed not trustworthy and unworthy of anything but scorn. Unless you can, in the most unlikely of events, explain as to why you are committing such heinous acts of aggression towards people whom you claim to be at peace with.

Indeed, you accusing the Abysians for betrayal only makes you seem more devious and hypocritical when you do the exact same thing yourself! What do you have to say for yourselves?
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