Re: Question about Frighten and Terror
I suspect that NoPJag is correct. Terror and Frighten have a negative effect on moral and require the targeted squad to make a moral check at the end of the round irregardless of whether or not the squad sustained any damage. Ultimately only one moral check is made per squad however. So if the squad takes damage, is targeted by Frighten and again by Terror, it will only make one moral check, albeit at a greatly reduced moral.
As for which spell is better, I would say Terror hands down. Remember it is a squad that makes a moral check, not an individual unit. The check for the squad is vs. the average moral for the squad (and squads are typically much larger than 1 hex). Frighten is very likely to decrease the moral for a small number of units, but the effect on overall squad moral (after averaging) is not that great. While Terror is less likely to affect individual troops, and will produce less of a moral decrease in the troops it does affect, the overall impact is likely to be much larger because so many more troops in the squad are targeted.