Re: Game: Outriders (open)
R'lyeh shows their treacherous nature yet again, they show the true nature behind their offer of peace when they send their spawn to mark my god for the horrors of the astral voids.
The only thing keeping me from retaliating against this filth is the lack of water breathing. These dire circumstances have forced me to skin one of their mindless Shamblers and forge a minor magical artifact.
Out of Character
I'm willing to take out loans in 200/400 gold chunks to assist in a temple push back out to sea, to give me much needed mr dominion bonuses. I'm willing to trade water forged items or gems for magic resistance boosters or reinvigoration items. I'm also willing to pay a lease fee for the rental of the same.
R'lyeh did make an offer of peace if I stopped raiding while they attacked Arcosephale. I didn't respond but did cease raiding while I ramped up and achieved construction two for a fighting chance. My pretenders' probably been horror marked eight times. In this game, I consider R'lyeh untrustworthy, especially since they already expressed a desire for the extinction of any races that can go beneath.