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Old August 6th, 2007, 04:45 PM
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Baalz Baalz is offline
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Default Re: Allegiances (Team Game, Experimental - Recruit

The knights of the Western realm ride forth, bent on purging heathen magics from the world. Finding joint cause with our neighbors and brothers, a new pact has been forged - Black Knights and Chalice Knights thunder forth, charged by the twin gods themselves in a holy crusade. Tremble, evil, for the mightiest knights known to man quest forth bent on eliminating all vile sorceries root and stem. Let all denounce their neighbors as hedge wizards, witches and sorcerers for no man should hold secrets in his heart when the inquisitors come knocking. All mankind should rejoice, salvation from the dark tyranny of sorcery which corrupts men's hearts is at hand.
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