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Old August 6th, 2007, 06:56 PM

llamabeast llamabeast is offline
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Default Re: Vote

I don't mind the scorched earth thing in character, but I don't really like the game theory aspect of it. To my mind your god in a particular game shouldn't behave in a way reflecting the existence of other games. IMHO.

Also despite your scorched earth and 'one last stab in the eye' tendency I've had a habit of going right for you in MP games. This is largely coincidence - to be honest I think you'd be far better as an ally then an enemy - but also is influenced by the fact that (a) I'm scared of you and would rather have you out before you get too powerful (this was a major motivation in Alpaca, particularly since you were playing late-game-scary Pythium, and also twice as Niefelheim as I'm scared witless of Niefelheim), and (b) I also have a bit of Xietor's feeling that I don't want you to scorch too much earth so it's best if you never get too much in the first place.
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