Re: Vote
I don't see anything wrong with a scorched earth policy, A player can Pillage, tax and destroy to
gain money to fight to the bitter end, or gain money to give to an enemy of your enemy, or just to be annoying.
Any of which is viable. I don't think its a real deterrent though, it would just make me try to defeat them quicker. Possibly by enlisting more support and spreading the spoils, or paying off others to assist in the short term versus payback in the longterm.
I still think that when a player is defeated some portion of their treasury/stockpile should go to the victor. Or at least some sort of 1 time bonus in relation to the defeated players wealth/power. Would be very hard to implement because then more people would choose the "give everything to an enemy of my enemy" method. Or in the case of a gang up, who gets it?
For instance, I got attacked by two nations in the perpetuality game at the same time. They are currently out of the game and I'm going strong. I think there should be a reward for that ABOVE the now additional provinces/capital/income. Greedy I admit, but it was pretty anticlimactic to finally knock off MA Arco and not even get the bloody items his SCs were wearing when I killed em. AND you don't even get to see where they site-searched, so you have to re-search the provinces just in case (or at least I usually do).
I don't know, maybe a flat reward by equation, an event "you defeated xyz, plundered their treasury and gain:
gold = ((#players-#players remaining)/#players)*3000
gems = ((#players-#players remaining)/#players)*#turns played (of main gem type, or randomly split, or whatever)