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Old August 7th, 2007, 08:18 AM

GrayZ GrayZ is offline
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Default Re: Vote

DrPraetorious said:
I'd like Tyrant and (whoever was playing Arco, I forget) to comment on my scorched earth at the end. Does that dissuade people from attacking me in the future? Did I do enough damage that you even noticed?

Do you think it was sportsmanlike? I'm a bit of a game theory buff, see.
GameExtremist did, now I am subbing for him. I only joined when you had your last army, so I can't really comment on how well it worked.

I found it interesting that when you attacked my capital. Since you didn't own the castle (or any other provnince), it removed you from the game. I guess it would have been better to attack one of the uncastled provinces instead...

Xietor said:
Curious that none of the astral races have voted.

Let me be the first, and the first to vote no. I've never played an astral race MP, I'd like to keep my options open. I think (possibly naively) that the remaining nations in the game could join together to overcome those spells, either by spamming globals, dispelling, etc.
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