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Old August 7th, 2007, 12:05 PM
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Default Re: Vengeance of the dead, what the hell

thejeff said:
Doesn't the attacker auto-rout first?

Shouldn't the undead, or at least the undead's leader retreat when they rout? Or does this special attack not have a leader?

If so, maybe that's the solution.
>>Yes, they cannot retreat, they fight till the end even >>after the 'special monsters are routed' message and >>defender gets wiped automatically. Even though he didnt >>lose a single HP, he had no fatique etc.

Sometimes units stay on the table even after their side has routed. I've seen this multiple times in big fights even with units that are not undead/beserked. Apparently these undead never retreat.

Actually, I think undead with morale 50 never retreat, even when their side is fleeing. What happens is that the undead leaders leave, the units continue to fight, and then they suffer whatever the enormous penalty is for not having magical leadership in the battle and start to dissolve. It sounds like that these special attackers have no leader to flee, so instead of that leader running off and the units dissolving, they just stay and wail on the SC even though they've routed.

It seems like to me the fix would be to give the special attack a leader. Unless I'm completely off base here.

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