Re: Chupacabra - EA game for newish players - sign
Hail C’tis,
The Masters of the Celestial Empire have watched the growth of your nation from afar. We have great admiration for what you have accomplished in so short a time, and we wish you great success and prosperity in the future.
However, we are concerned with your unnecessary build up on our western border. A build up that has occurred without even a word of welcome, or statement of intent. This is not the way of civilized peoples.
We are sure that you do not wish to threaten us, or risk the certain loss of resources any premature conflict might cost us both.
Therefore, we bid you withdraw your troops from our border before your intentions—which are most noble we are sure—are misunderstood by our commanders in the field.
Lest you mistake our courtesy for weakness, know this: if you do not withdraw there will be war between us. Yes, yes, we know that ultimately we might not prevail. We also know that if such a conflict does ensue we will wreak such destruction upon your armies that the weakest of those nations that remain would easily defeat you.
We do not threaten. We merely proclaim that which is written in the stars. Those same stars also speak of two possible paths for your nation. The first path flows from peaceful relations of with great nation of T’ien Ch’i. It leads to prosperity, long life, and a stature equaled only by our own. The second path leads to a long and bloody conflict, and the utter ruin of your nation. Choose your path well.
Aethyr, Lord of Starlight, Sword of Heaven, Prince of the Stellar Winds
Minister of War to the Celestial Masters of T’ien Ch’i
Power is an illusion...