Re: Vengeance of the dead, what the hell
Several points:
1) MR is not as effective vs. remote map spells as one would predict. I have done extensive testing with Mind Hunt and have come to the conclusion that MR is effectively 2 less vs. remote spells compared to battle field spells (i.e MR 25 acts like MR 23).
2) VOTD can kill immortal pretenders in their home prov. Immortals that die in friendly dominion due to the 75 turn autoroute rule do not reappear in their capital the following turn. I have lost a Risen Oracle (with 750 kills) in friendly dominion to this spell.
3) No matter how awesome your SC, there will be a number of undead which can not be defeated in the turn limit. I have had a lot of SCs with over 1000 kills. There is no way (that I know of) to take out that many undead in 75 turns. And even if you could, the next go around you would be facing 2000 undead. The end result is inevitable.
4) If the only true counter to the spell is to run away and hide in a remote part of the map, then the SC is effectively killed as soon as he finds himself targeted. He certainly isn't going to be hanging around on the front lines doing any good.