Re: Vengeance of the dead, what the hell
Equally many points:
1) I hadn't noticed this. Is it possible that your testing failed to account for another factor that was present in all remote cases, but not all battlefield ones?
(dominion, astral magic, enchantments?) I'm not questioning your metheods, of course, just trying to verify results.
2) This is weird, and probably unintended. I had also noticed weirdness with immortality and the turn limit.
3) Of course correct, but I think this highlights an important fact: Any SC (or unit, for that matter) can be brought down by expenditure of a given number of resources. In the case of VOTD the resources expended are mage-time, gems. The SC killed by VOTD must then be more valuable than the sum of the values of the mages, the gems expended, and the values of the units he killed before the Vengeance kills him. In many cases, vengeance of the dead is not actually a cost-effective solution (eg. a MR 23 W9 Dragon with no magic items and 100 kills. -not really an SC, I know.)
I believe that killing 1200 undead in 75 turns is very possible. I personally have used (against LE Ermor) an archangel with the forbidden light (and SC equipment), casting fire storm. Actually, anything that scales with the numbeer of opponents (battlefield enchs., mainly) would probably work.
4) As per above, you can also not counter it except with good equipment and high MR, and rely on cost effectiveness and economics. Alternatively, you could teleport/cloud trapeze/one of the five million other movement spells to somewhere totally different, or sue for clemency (ie. diplomacy). Or you could put up a dome of flaming death.
In all honesty, VOTD really isn't any better, even considering its low cost in research and gems, than earth attack, mind hund, manifestation, disease demon (AAH!), etc.
Granted, I'm a pretty awful MP player with almost no experience, so what do I know?
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