I can't believe this...
I just played some of the before-mentioned SP game I'm having and I conquered a province with a 100+ unrest. Unrest increasing site was a likely culprit but I didn't want to find more Brigand Lairs so I wanted to know if it increased by 5 every turn. So I patrol with my army and turn taxes to 0% and after couple of turns I see that it rises by 10 each turn. Yes! No Brigand Lair!
Perhaps.. It just might be Devil's Den? I find my monthly Bowl of Blood caster and make him target that province. I was so excited that I probably forgot to move all my troops before hitting end turn.
Next turn begins and I quickly check the Bowl of Blood report. He found 2 blood sites! Damn I'm excited! I get to see two cool blood sites! Oh, my innocent mind.. I quit message screen and hit the province in question. I click the new site icons..
And a piece of soul died and withered away..

That's what you get for using blood magic, kids.
I was stunned. I just quit the game and deleted it afterwards. There is no way I'll be playing that game again.
I know that this no suggestion and is a bit off-topic but I just had to share this.
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