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Old August 12th, 2007, 05:34 PM

llamabeast llamabeast is offline
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Default Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting

Thanks Baalz, I am indeed always looking for any suggestions people have for improvements. As Ubercat says though, the server does normally reply if there is any problem - the idea is that it will always respond whenever it receives an e-mail, with an appropriate message.

This leads to some silly situations actually. It now gets a fair bit of spam (not an issue as it reads it for me). It replies to the spam saying it couldn't find a 2h file. Often the spammer's address isn't a real address, so the mail server then writes back to say that the message was undeliverable. The llamaserver writes back to this message saying it couldn't find a 2h file. Happily it stops there because the mail server is too clever to write back again.
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