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Old August 13th, 2007, 02:14 AM
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Aethyr Aethyr is offline
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Default Re: Chupacabra - EA game for newish players - sign


You were told our terms. You will learn that we mean what we say. Yout initiated this conflict. We will end it. The time for talking is over.

The Celestial Masters of T’ien Ch’i all upon all to witness their declaration: we do hereby declare war everlasting upon C’tis because of his continued acts and threats of aggression, and his refusal to make just and fair amends for his unproved attacks on our people. There will never be peace between us.

No matter what else happens in this land we will see C’tis utterly destroyed, even if it means that destruction results in our mutual demise.

In our dialog he intimated that he had other enemies. We are not surprised. Join us or stand and observe the outcome will be the same. We will stand in the midst of the smoking ruin his capitol, atop stinking heaps of lizard carcasses, and the brittle bones of his despicable undead servants.
Power is an illusion...
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