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Old August 13th, 2007, 03:30 PM

IndyPendant IndyPendant is offline
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Default Do provinces grow in pop without Growth Domain?

Hi all.

I did some experimenting the other day, and thought I would doublecheck my results. I created a game with Man and no Growth scales, and my capital and the one province I conquered never grew in population, at all, for the 15 or so turns I went through.

Then I created Man with Growth-3, and the capital grew at exactly (and no more than) the 0.6% per turn the Growth scale gave, while the conquered province grew slightly out of proportion in percentage (it looks like there's a minimum pop growth--in a Growth-Scale province--of 10 people per turn).

Is that correct? For any growth at all to happen, do you need Growth scales?

Also, is this detailed in Teh Buk anywhere?

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