tibbs said:
Runner: "Sire, I bring you a message from Vanheim."
Takeda Shingen: "They must realize the only end to this war is their destruction. I give them credit. I surely thought they would have cowed before us by now. Bring it to me immediately!"
The messenger reverently walks to the base of the throne and hands Lord Takeda an ornate envelope sealed with the imperial crest of Vanheim. Takeda carefully opens it and reads it by torchlight.
A taunt, indeed.
Considering how bad situation I was in(ganged by 4 nations) and for how long durations I spent my valuable time and troops raiding on Yomi's land, a brilliant emperor should already sitting and laughing on the throne of ex-vans.
But you are not such a wise king, you low betrayer, instead you drive those poor girls onto my capitol and let them die for nothing. Should you see the hilarious battle where three hundreds warriors killed by merely twenty bravery, you would realize what I mean for "nothing".
When the rain of arrows blocked the light of sun,
when the land shivered under the march of your army,
when the blood sheltered land of my capitol,
there they smiled,
twenty barechests saved the country.
You definitely love the Persian way to die, don't you.
I hope you realize now that one day the war might ended by someone in my destruction, but it's not now, and it won't be you.
Would you mind to escort me in the way to hell, my friend?