Re: MA Marignon
(casts reanimation)
There, I think I have it. Yeah, I'm bringing this thread back to life.
I recently got my tail kicked in a MP game using Marignon. There were a few items that I noticed in using them that I think need to be explored further.
1) The lack of any early summons was very damaging. I think it is necessary to get some early access to death magic if for nothing else than chaff for your crossbowmen.
2) Starting next to a nation that has large units that can trample is damaging to your health. An early possibility to counter this is paralyze. However, that is Thau-4 which means that you need to divert your attention from Ench-4 or Evo-4.
3) Which is a better research path, Evo-4 or something else early on in the game? Spamming Holy Pyre is nice, but is there something else my mages should be doing?
4) The Evo path makes the most sense so that my Astral mages can start casting Mind Hunt at Evo-6. Is this a good mid-game strat?
5) What is the best mix of troops? Crossbowmen make plenty of sense, but how many Men at Arms, Swordsmen, and Pikeneers should I be using?
6) Bless troops and a bless strategy, are they worth it with Marignon? Knights of the Chalice are nice and they can recuperate. With the right bless they can be very capable troops. What would the best bless be for them? How would that work with your flagellants? My guess is that a W9 bless or a F9 bless would be best. I could take an imprisoned pretender and go for a W9E4D4B4 bless and hope for the best. That would give a +4 defense, additional attacks, added strength, reinvigoration, and increased chance of affliction (great for flagellants). The blood would give additional summons, but how powerful would this be with only your pretender able to blood hunt and the like?
7) What scales work best for Marignon? You need cash for your mages, priests, and Paladins/Knights. Your other units, are high resource units. Death is definitely a no, no with your old mages.
Any thoughts about any of this? I know some of it has been mentioned before, but I am trying to take a fresh look at this.