Thread: MA Marignon
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Old August 14th, 2007, 05:48 PM
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Default Re: MA Marignon

I usually end up with a S9F9 bless for Marignon for one reason, the Baphomot pretender chasis who starts with S1F1. He's imobile but costs 0 pretender points. Which is good. He has a base of D3, which is also good for buying masses of flaggelants. And the Twist fate bless bonus works out fairly well with flaggelants, who with very low protection are likely to die quickly when exposed to arrows or frontline action. Meanwhile, they get two attacks per turn so when combines with a high fire bless they deal incredible amounts of damage. Yeah, you'll loose alot of them, but they're pretty cheap and can be obtained at any fort. Also, since the sacred calvary get multiple attacks they work out very well with a F9 bless.

Thats just a side show though. The core of Marignon's offense is going to massive numbers of crossbowmen enhaced with flaming arrows (which you should have a Grand Master availabe to cast with out any additional enhancements. Be sure to place some melee troops in front to keep them safe, though.

As for scales, I'm always sure. I usually go for the money (order 3, growth 3) no matter what nation I play. With Marignon, this translates into very large crossbow armies.

For an end game, though, always look to use your national angel summons. The Seraph is probably the most powerful SC chasis in the game, provided you use the right equipment and spells.
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