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Old August 16th, 2007, 12:06 AM

Jagdpanther Jagdpanther is offline
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Default Random Map Provinces Have White Dot in Center

I just tried creating some small random maps using the command line. Everything seemed to work as expected except there was a white dot in the center of each province. What command line switch do I use to remove these center-of-province dots?

I do not have the center-of-province dot issue when using the random map generator from inside the game; just when using the command line. (I want to use the command line so I can automate the generation of about 20 maps and then pick the most appealing.)

Here is the command I was using:

dom3 --makemap test01 --riverpart 0 --seapart 25 --mountpart 30 --mapaa --mapsize 800 600 --mapprov 90 --mapnoise 15 --borderwidth 70

(Before I play a game I would use something like --mapsize 3200 2400 but that takes a long time when testing.)

I am using the linux 64-bit 3.08 version.
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