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Old August 16th, 2007, 01:18 PM
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Baalz Baalz is offline
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Default Question about subs for this game

I'd like to make a proposal regarding subs for this game. As we climb towards late game and it looks like things are just getting warmed up I thought we might address the question of how to handle temporary subs for nations in good positions. This came up with LA R'yleh, and it looks like Machaka is having trouble finding a sub. Specifically I'd like to propose that we allow subs who are already in the game. I believe the thinking behind banning one person from playing two nations was to stop somebody from essentially having a double sized empire. However, in the case of a temporary sub, particularly as we hit the late game and alliances are formed I think it makes more sense to allow someone to let their ally (or whoever they choose) play their nation temporarily. Nobody wants nations in strong positions to be forced to stale (particularly if it's your ally!), and I don't really see this giving anyone an advantage as the nations will (presumably) be working in concert anyway.
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