Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4
I want to see Dominions 4. On the other hand, I've heard rumors that the Devs don't want to make Dominions 4 because it would mostly involve work that would be boring and nasty and make them break out in hives in uncomfortable places.
So, here's my effort to find a way to make it happen, without driving poor Johan insane and forcing poor Kristoffer to invent Dominions-the pinball game.
How many people on these forums can write in C? I think that's what Johan uses, I could be wrong. How many of those can write in C would be willing to put in the time and effort (for free) to help create Dominions 4?
There's been a lot of talk about adding more people to the Dev team to help take the pressure off. So, since it's us-the rabid fans of Dominions-who care most about seeing a sequil, why not provide that workforce ourselves?
So, to give the Devs the option of adding more people to the team, without *hiring* more people, who here has the skills and time and economic stability to become slavish interns and do the boring, time-consuming work that would take the pressure off the Devs and lead to Dominions 4, purely for the thrill of the experience?
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!