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Old August 17th, 2007, 11:12 AM
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Default Re: Mod for Dominions 3 Wishlist

Kristoffer O said:
Thematic reasons are more important. If I were to add new buildings every nation and their national troops would have to be incorporated in the system. That would take time, unless buildings are very generic and not unique to any nation or what could be produced in the building.
No offense meant here but that feels like it still needs to be worked on for the structures we already do have. The castles for each nation and each terrain seems to have gaps. I think that the temples might be covered.

Also Id like a map icon for lab. Possibly an icon for temple/lab. And one for castle/temple/lab (so the map isnt cluttered with 3 icons). Ive started building temples where I have labs and castles just to make them easier to find on the map.
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