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Old August 17th, 2007, 11:40 AM

silhouette silhouette is offline
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Default Re: History of the Multiverse, Part 1

johan osterman said:
Fanfiction is just what dominions need. Finally we can learn of Sporsnjalls unrequited passion for Angerboda and Tjatses lusty escapades amongst his furred friends in the Pangaean woods.
Hmmm, someone should tell JO to change his password more often

But seriously, if you want to go down this path, it seems like a good first step would be to write up the real timeline of the existing 'fixed' history events we know of. What year did the falling star spell undersea doom; when was the last Neifel giant seen; when did Ermor's desperation lead to their studies with C'tis's dark arts; when did the first human forces penetrate the caverns of the one-eyed; how many years are there between the start of Early, Middle, and Late eras, etc...

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