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Old August 18th, 2007, 07:06 AM
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HoneyBadger HoneyBadger is offline
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Default Re: History of the Multiverse, Part 1

No reason it should, Sombre, since the two are completely unrelated topics. Are you sure you're actually reading the post before replying to it? And if you read that one, then why aren't you reading all the ones that actually were related? I've made several posts on this topic that were a lot more relevant to the subject.

Or maybe you mean that both ideas would actually help increase a sense of knowing what's actually going on, before throwing 50 or so nations into a bloody world war? In which case, thanks for the validation.

Johan's lustrous hair fetishes aside... this is potentially a valuable tool. I'm not talking Sombre's dreamy-eyed bisexual goth poetry, or even stories as such. I'm saying that objectively, relationships can and should be established between the various nations, based on some kind of consistent chain of events.

Not in order to hamstring or harm the multiplayer experience, or to force anyone to act in a way contrary to how they want to play their nation, but in order to give touchstones and reference-points, so that their's reasons why a player/nation's actions matter.

"Nation" is a powerful word, and it means something more than just an army.
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