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Old August 19th, 2007, 03:54 AM

Ironhawk Ironhawk is offline
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Default Re: General Tipps / Things not to do / Scripts

Acenoid said:
Since Dominios offers a great level of details, maybe you can give me as beginner some "no no'es" some useful things to do at the beginning of a game, important spells, and generic / useful scripts for your commanders / troops and what items to create.

Sure thing - to cover the entire set of things you should and shouldnt do in detail would take forever. So I'm just going to throw some random tips and you can just take whatever you want.

Buy mercs - they will drastically increase your early capture rate

Get an H4 (holy level 4) prophet if you can

Use mostly national troops (from your forts) - only supplement with indy troops when they have some ability your nationals lack

Dont try and use the low level summons

Buy archers

Use chaff against Heavy Cavalry to absorb Lance attacks

Stay away from using Blood magic or Communions until you have more experience with dominions

Random useful lower level spells: Raise Dead, Lightning Bolt, Fireball, Call of the Winds, Blade Wind

Use the site search spells instead of manual searching - its faster.

Random useful upper level spells: Mother Oak, Well of Misery, Tartarian Gate, Gift of Health, Warthful Skies, Master Enslave, Astral Nexus

SC Buff Spells: Personal Luck, Quicken Self, Mistform, Mirror Image, Body Ethereal, Ironskin, Invulnerability, Fire Shield, Breath of Winter

As for items... again the list just goes on. In general you will probably want magic path booster items and SC gear.
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