RamsHead said:
DrPraetorious said:
I resent the implication that I turn on - and crush - my allies. I never allied with EA C'tis, there was an arrangement of temporary convenience only. I don't see how he could've construed "I have no plans to invade you at this time" in any other way.
I maintain that we did have a NAP, but since that was a long time ago and the in-game message system was used, I chose not to pursue the argument any further. We will just have to agree to disagree on this issue. You are correct that we never had an alliance though.
DrPraetorious said:
Troops are like toilet paper - I expect to consume them in great scads but it's hardly a concern to a celestial being such as myself.
You lost more than just troops. You lost quit a few mages (some holding a large amount of gems) to the two earthquakes in the swamp, and your god was dispatched easily enough by serpent dancers.
Xietor said:
Cold Blood is thicker than the ink of your treaties. In the unlikely event MA Ctis ever lands on the Eastern Shores, we know we can rely on our cousins to fight at our side!
Just like they did our's? (not that EA C'tis asked them to)
All that the people of Midgard had predicted has come true!
Jazzepi, (ghost of Midgard)