Thread: The Ages
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Old August 24th, 2007, 11:43 AM

noname noname is offline
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Default Re: The Ages

The early era is one in which magic is proportionally more powerful, technology is primitive, totemic tribes still wander around in great numbers, each nation is rather homogeneous, blood magic is widespread, and although mages tend to be powerful, they also tend to be specialized in culturally-specific fields. Humans aren't the most common race in many nations, and in some cases, humans are ruled over by other races. Although blood magic is common, it is fair to say that otherwise, this era is the most innocent, as Ermor hasn't fallen yet, Acroscephale is in it's golden age, the star which would bring the illithids hasn't fallen yet, and the great empires of the future which would be built over the broken bodies of the conquered haven't risen yet.

The middle era is balanced; magic and technology are roughly even in their importance. Humans have begun to take over the world and magic creatures are more rare in certain nations (like Agartha.)The star which brings the illithids has fallen, and the seas have changed. The nations in this era are becoming more heterogenous, and some nations shown are hybrids of previous ones (such as Pythium being descended from Ermor and Sauromatia.) Blood magic is most rare in this era, as civilization has been built up, and hasn't yet fallen apart.
Empires (Ermor, Pythium, Tien Chi, etc) dominate the world at this time. The world is, however, less innocent than in the early era.

The late era is when everything falls apart; Ermor has fallen totally into darkness, Tien Chi has been conquered by barbarians, and Mictlan has returned to its bloody past. Two dominions are automatically destructive; Ermor's dominion kills people and turns them into undead warriors, and R'lyeh's dominions kills people and turns the survivors into madmen. Magic weaker but more broad, as the mages have had plenty of time and experience from the previous two eras two build up their knowledge, but have grown proportionally weaker as technology has advanced. In this era, blood magic makes a return to a level of similar importance as it enjoyed in the early era, but death magic is now perhaps the most widespread. Needless to say, this is the least innocent of all eras, as everything is falling apart.
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