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Old August 25th, 2007, 08:27 PM

jutetrea jutetrea is offline
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Default Re: Counters to Niefelheim

While i agree on the theory I think there should be an equivalent in power, possibly not necessarily the same power battlefield spell but possibly a ritual or buff for example.

I do find water to be a relatively weak path unless a water nation, but if a water nation its fine.

For instance, summon earthpower, summon phoenix power, the astral one... all pretty easy to cast and do similar things (astral is the more powerful version but has drawbacks such as gem and fatigue). Summon earthpower probably the best due to reinvig.

Then you have
Air, needs storm, but 1A only?
Water, needs to be in water - real bummer.
Nature, needs high research/paths
Death - nothing?
Blood - horrors, cost, fatigue

Or site searching
A,F,E,N - all thaut 2, nice
D - conj 2, fine, death has very good summons and still early
W - conj 3? WTF?
B - blood 2, makes sense
S - evo 2 - huh?, but still only lvl 2 and evo is pretty popular early

Why does water get screwed here?

There are certain spells where I think parity would be good. Although only the 2 water versions of the 2 above categories annoy me.

Then there are some that kind of make no sense -
Why is murdering winter 50 gems and flames from the sky 35? Level earlier? Aren't both boosted by the temp of the target province? I'm just unaware of the reasoning, although it probably exists.

I can definitely see the draw of having the two paths be different in some sense, but when you have 2 spells that essentially do relatively similar affects, I think it would be nice to have more reasoning behind the different requirements.
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