HoneyBadger said:
I was actually thinking that zweihanders would be fine weapons for Niefelheim. No finer than, say, a properly designed mace, though, since opponents would sortof slide right off a smooth mace-head, so that you could attack several at once.
The real ability that Niefelheim should have-and lacks-is a natural area 1 effect attack. This is just from a physical standpoint, since they weild (or have the potential to weild) weapons large enough, and designed, to hit more than one opponent at a time.
Well, you presuppose that the giants' warfare was evolved to fight man sized opponents. Seems more likely to me that outside of ascension wars the Jarls generally fight each other for power and the axe/Jotun sword is a natural weapon to fight other well armored giants.
You're probably the first one I've heard complain that Neiflheim needs a buff. AOE would mean defense is useless, so if you coupled that with their strength it'd give them offensive power to match their natural defense strength - a very overpowered result. I always thought the boulder throwers should have AOE1 though...