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Old August 28th, 2007, 12:29 AM
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Jazzepi Jazzepi is offline
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Default Re: Game: Outriders (started)

That's part of the hazard of using a SC with a ton of other units. Once you lose a certain percentage of your field, everyone routes. That's the reason I attacked the other two provinces at the same time. Though your pretender God was leaking fatigue fast, towards the end of the battle, before he routed, he was up to 90 fatigue or so. Very close to passing out. I doubt that he would have survived the fight even without the routing, but you never know. Morale 50 guys always make their awe check, and once he's asleep he's an easy target to nickle and dime to death through afflictions (especially blindness).

I'm sorry you couldn't connect, it sucks, but I've been trying to help people out on here as I'd much rather have a game with opponents who can fight back. I was pretty adamant with my posts that the server was still up, I even posted multiple times on how to get past the screw up. I really wish Zach would try resetting the server instead of just the process. I'm surprised this wasn't step #1.

>In the meantime, may your seas dry up, your dreams involve >Hello Kitty, and your meteor turn out to be a weather >balloon.

I don't think that'll happen anytime soon Though our population keeps dying off. I thought you had an interesting pretender build, and I can offer some advice from my POV if you'd like. I probably wouldn't have gone W10, the different between that one point of defense is negligible compared to what those extra points would have been worth in scales, or other magic paths. I also would have built more of those sacred units. I thought they were quite good.

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