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Old August 28th, 2007, 10:25 PM
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Gandalf Parker Gandalf Parker is offline
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Ballbarian said:
i think the idea of coming up with ideas is so that the community as a whole can work on them. just because someone comes up with an idea does not mean that they have any idea of how to implement it or whether there is even an audience to make the work worthwhile.
SemiRandom is entirely the result of my reading one of Gandalf's idea pages on his site and MANY of the features of that project are directly inspired by Gandalf's input.

Thanks for the credit.
Really though, Im am basically lazy. And I hate to "spearhead" a project (lead it, upload it, be the maintainer, sole credit and responsibility, etc)

In actuality, Im doing here what I always have done. Im used to brainstorming the project, hacking on any piece of it that seems "impossible" at the moment. Then when the kinks are worked out Ive turned it over to someone else (or a group) to flesh it out, pretty it up, deliver it, maintain it. High school, college, military, civilian jobs. All like that. Now Im over 50 and retired. Dont expect me to suddenly become a soloist

(btw: The mapgen wraparound maps are really looking promising. Thanks for all you do Gandalf!)
Well no one has commented badly on the color choices. And I have finally gotten it to do oceans and nicely wrapped maps.

Now if I can get it to do smaller mountain ranges we will be sailing. So far I seem to get tons of mountains, or not enough.

Then Im thinking I will automate some finer features (if PH doesnt beat me to it). Maybe ImageMagick some things like softens, blurs, pattern fills, etc.
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