okay, so looking back at things, zoom only directly affects the heightmap, i.e. how far your face is from the surface of the map, not how big terrains or provinces could potentially be, the exception being mountains and water, which are part of the heightmap.
so letting x and y be the dimensions of the map and z being your zoom factor, and d1 and d2 be the arguments for tsize:
d1 = sqrt(x * y) / (10 * z)
d2 = d1 / 3
leave tchance alone.
i think that you probably ought to follow a similar procedure for psize. using pcount was always sort of tricky because there was no way to guarantee what the land-to-water ratio was. so if you want 5 water provinces and got a map that was nearly all water, the map sucked.
hopefully that'll help out a bit gandalf