Thread: Riots?
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Old September 3rd, 2007, 01:40 PM

MythicalMino MythicalMino is offline
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Default Riots?

Playing SE5.

2 of my planets (the first two that I colonized, both are in my home system) are rioting. The "mood" is rioting, but they are 100% loyal to me. Also, I have researched the Recreation Services tech (not sure, but I assumed that that would help with the rioting). I have dropped several troops onto the planets.

I am not sure what else to do to end the rioting. The rioting is hurting me, though, becuase those two planets are basically doing nothing.

oh, and the game isn't too far in, either. I have not come in contact with any other empires, so I am pretty sure that there is not any spies causing me trouble.

and, I should mention, that I am using the Balance Mod by Kwok.

Anyone have any ideas?

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