Debatable Settings
Meh. We'll, you were careful to state your preferences. All I can hope for is revenge, but I've been whacked by R'lyeh each time I've fought them... bah.
I've put up a proposed list of settings - and it IS open to debate. I'll keep things up to date in my earliest posts, and leave this posts' listing static for purposes of discussion.
If anything, I think my site chance is too high for such a large map, but I do want more sites than normal... Feedback invited.
Proposed Settings
Late Era - Glory of the Gods (Multiplayer) 227 land, 47 sea
Number of starting provinces 2
Strength of independents 5
Special site frequency 75
Money Multiple 100
Resource Multiple 100
Supply Multiple 100
Random Events are common
Score graphs are disabled
Hall of Fame Entries: 15
Standard research
Standard victory
Master Password is enabled
Renaming is allowed
Cheat prevention is active