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Old September 4th, 2007, 03:47 PM
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Baalz Baalz is offline
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Default What do NAPs mean to you?

Well, given the differences in opinions as to what you’re agreeing to when you sign the ubiquitous “3 turn NAP” I thought it might be useful to come up with a couple new terms with more rigorous definitions. Of course some people will still break them, but it’d be useful if we were all at least on the same page as to what we’re agreeing to since everybody seems to have their own ideas. Given the ambiguity that NAP currently has I’m not going to use it at all and instead define new terms which people may use if they feel they’re helpful. Note, there are no implied commitments other than what is literally spelled out – that’s the point of doing this.

X turn Attack Notification. You each agree that your nations are not actively at war, and agree to give X turns notice before giving any attack or assassination orders upon each others territories (including non-anonymous rituals). For a 3 turn AN this means that if a player gives notice on turn 20, neither may give attack orders until turn 22 (the first battles will be fought turn 23 – three turns after notice was given). Formal notification should be sent in-game to eliminate ambiguity as to when notice was received.

X turn Peace Agreement. You each agree not to take any overtly offensive actions against each other. This includes all Attack Notification constraints as well as hostile rituals targeting each other (including anonymous ones), inciting unrest, sending in bane venom charms, and aggressive dominion pushing (as well as anything else in this spirit). You each also agree not to send in any non-scouting stealth units (troops or thugs, though assassins or spies are ok) through each other’s territory without first getting permission. This agreement does not cover globals, so casting Utterdark, Astral Corruption, or anything which does not specifically target a single nation does not violate it. Snatching up independents, cutting off expansion paths, etc. does not violate this agreement, so you are agreeing to give notice of cancellation even if your counterpart is being a jerk.

Alliance. You each agree to advance each other’s interests for the duration of the alliance. This includes all PA commitments, as well as not taking actions which hurt your ally without consulting him (Utterdark, cutting off his expansion paths, etc.), and making an honest effort to help where you can at a reasonable cost to yourself (supplying needed magic items, trading gems 1:1, etc.). Alliances are commonly formed “until we defeat Abyssia” or something like that, but may also use a X turn notification format. Note, unless you’re playing in a game with recognized team victories the assumption is that you’ll one day have to fight your ally so it is very reasonable for your ally to give notice and attack you despite a long and beneficial alliance.

Well, what do you think? I think that covers the bulk of what people use without making it too complicated nor having to make extensive negotiations every time.
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