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Old September 5th, 2007, 01:24 AM
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Default Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Xietor said:
I think people can see when artifacts are available-unlike elemental royalty.
Yea but you have to shuffle your boosters all around usually and is a pain in the ***. I'm just trying to be nice

If knew LA R'lyeh was going to throw the kitchen sink of artifacts/SCs at me I wouldn't have stopped at Construction 6!!

OF course he still kicking my *** and has removed me pretty much completely from the water. You guys should really flatter me with compliments or something... here I am being being the world's meat (bone?) shield against the LA R'lyeh monstrosity. His army is now about the same size as MINE (thanks to Undead Mastry/Master Enslave) and since he has researched everything he is throwing all his mages into combat!

Once I fall you guys are sooooo F#$$%@#ed!!

Nethgul is now available to forge!
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