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Old September 5th, 2007, 03:23 AM
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Rytek Rytek is offline
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Default Re: Game: Outriders (started)

LOL. OK so me and marigon fight it out. I make this huge communion of warlocks and have one of the leaders cast hellpower for hah hah.Another one casts power of the spheres. Then the plan was to spam horror marks everywhere while summoning horrors. Hah, I didnt realize hell power horror marked the guy casting it. So, there are like 8 horrors attacking everywhere. Mostly on my warlocks who have all been horror marked through the communion. my army of flaming slingers and arrows are shooting everywhere. its total mayham. I'm not quite sure how I only had 3 warlocks die. But now they are all horror marked! heh. thats what i get for trying stuff that i havent tested.
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