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Old September 17th, 2007, 09:12 PM
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djo djo is offline
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Default Thog go wrong way

At one point in time, C'tis had two underwater empires separated by a peninsula. I was trying to get Thog the wrym and my prophet from the east to the west undersea empire, and I tried to rush them across the peninsula in the same month an invader was probably going to take the peninsula. So I set them to retreat, reasoning they had a 50-50 chance of retreating to the west instead of east.

Of course they didn't, and of course I forgot to reset their orders, and of course several turns later someone threw a horror at me (Caelum is my guess, they ate my western undersea empire), and they ran out of places to go.

This is just another exhibit in why I am not a feared opponent: insufficient attention to detail!

I'll be out in 1-2 turns. It's been fun, see you in the next one...
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