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Old September 18th, 2007, 01:41 AM
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Default Re: Most Usefull Research Path...

quantum_mechani said:
Without construction, getting casters for most of these is quite a trick. And arcane nexus is far less impressive when about all you can do is dispel.

Of course construction is great for HELPING other paths yet Enchantment stands better on its own. And Arcane Nexus is useful... you should check out a useful feature called ALCHEMY which allows you to trade gems for other gem types.

quantum_mechani said:Haste is about as far from critical as you can get, I'm not sure I've ever seen a casting of it that even had a noticeable effect in battle, let alone being worth it. Resist spells and strength of giants are not exactly must have spells either. In fact, the only true 'critical' spell I see there is flaming arrows. And again, many of these are hard to very hard to reach without construction.

Construction is good yet Enchantment stands better on its own which is why it's better in my opinion. If given only one choice it's hands down Enchantment since so many options are available. See you're arguing construction is better because it helps other spells. Depending on the front line enemy armies many of those battlefield buffs I mentioned are critical.

quantum_mechani said:Unraveling is not only special purpose but rather ineffective (causes decay, magic beings tend to have lots of MR and very long lifespans). Mists of deception is only too powerful as a bug, as intended it is pretty marginal. The only truly all around useful spell here is raise skeletons. Lots of high path-level requirements as well.
Most of the spells I've listed have been useful for many of my multiplayer games. The point of listing these battlefield spells is because on the battlefield Enchantment provides more options compared to Construction. Construction helps other spells which makes it very good but Enchantment is strong enough to stand on its own.

quantum_mechani said:
Fairy trod is quite high priced for something that only targets forest, and often doesn't even hit the _right_ forest. Ritual of returning is far less useful without teleport.
The point here is that Enchantment has spells for traveling 30 provinces across the map and Construction has only two unique items.(one which horror marks and the other only works as the gateway spell)

quantum_mechani said:Only liches and archers (both from the same path) really stand out as great summons. And liches much less than normal without being able to access other paths.
Enliven Statues is also really useful especially for a Earth9 Pretender. Enliven Statues are great for protecting the front line of the battlefield with very high protection, amphibous and huge shields they provide time for spellcasters. Both Enchantment and Construction have good summoning spells.

quantum_mechani said:
Seeking arrows are good, but limited, army of the dead is very hard to get casters for with only enchantment, and the domes are hard to get casters for _and_ rather limited in applications.
I find most of the spells listed as useful. More options is better. Same as previously mentioned... the point is Enchantment has these spells available where as Construction does not have these spells.

quantum_mechani said:A SC with construction will still easily carve up almost anything you can build that has to run around naked.
A SC with unique artifacts can be very powerful, yet Construction by itself doesn't allow for many SC options. You have the Golems yet with Dominions_3 I have found it quite easy to take down most SCs especially when they rely purely on items to survive.

quantum_mechani said:
These spells are far more fun that useful. I have yet to see them be any where near decisive.
Of course these second chance spells are not useful for most games. Yet again my point is the more options the greater the value.
There can be only one.
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