NTJedi said:
Of course construction is great for HELPING other paths yet Enchantment stands better on its own. And Arcane Nexus is useful... you should check out a useful feature called ALCHEMY which allows you to trade gems for other gem types.
It's true that construction is huge aid to other paths, but that isn't per se why it is better. Construction is self sufficient, enchantment is the one that needs support of other paths to reach all of it's options.
On arcane nexus, even if you manage to get to the huge astral requirement without using construction, when forced to alchimize it starts to not look too much better than clams.
Construction is good yet Enchantment stands better on its own which is why it's better in my opinion. If given only one choice it's hands down Enchantment since so many options are available. See you're arguing construction is better because it helps other spells. Depending on the front line enemy armies many of those battlefield buffs I mentioned are critical.
I would not agree that on average it stands better on it's own. For a death nation, perhaps it's a close call between the two, for pretty much anyone else your options are far more limited by enchantment. Again, my argument is not that construction helps other schools so it's the best school, it's that other schools have difficulty accessing many options without construction, and construction provides good outlets for every gem type, which probably only conjuration can also claim.
Most of the spells I've listed have been useful for many of my multiplayer games. The point of listing these battlefield spells is because on the battlefield Enchantment provides more options compared to Construction. Construction helps other spells which makes it very good but Enchantment is strong enough to stand on its own.
There is no argument that enchantment has more battlefield spells, and many of them have niches. But again, none of these effects are critical, and construction has it's own options of similar power (in fact, skelly spamming can be done expensively but with more staying power using construction to forge skullfaces and reinvig items).
Now, personally I would say that the enchantment version of skelly spamming is probably on the whole better, but construction has many such tricks, that are available to most nations eventually. Where as to make good use of the enchantment version you must be playing one of a specific set of nations, or get lucky with indies. This I would say is the general comparison between construction and any other school: other schools can often do a specific thing better, but construction lets any nation have a lot of options.
The point here is that Enchantment has spells for traveling 30 provinces across the map and Construction has only two unique items.(one which horror marks and the other only works as the gateway spell)
Actually the gatestone works as astral travel (technically speaking it's bugged at the moment so you need to research thoum to make it work, but as it's an establish bug with IW, lets assume it working as intended). Between having access to those uniques and those three spells, I'd easily choose the items. Fairy trod (generally) and ritual of returning can't be used to stomp enemy armies before they move, and you are going to have a hard time finding a good chassis to use cloud trapeze for the purpose in enchantment. I should also note that through armor of virtue you can lay ritual of returning on a great many commanders.
Enliven Statues is also really useful especially for a Earth9 Pretender. Enliven Statues are great for protecting the front line of the battlefield with very high protection, amphibous and huge shields they provide time for spellcasters. Both Enchantment and Construction have good summoning spells.
They do both have good summoning spells, but construction also has many other useful gem channels for any path. I'll also note that through hammers and the forge it has a the capacity to bring giant discounts on most these additional gem uses. And further, construction can take advantage of blood, something no other school but blood can do., further increasing it's usable gem income.
I find most of the spells listed as useful. More options is better. Same as previously mentioned... the point is Enchantment has these spells available where as Construction does not have these spells. 
There are lots of useful spells in lots of schools, but I don't think you can claim enchantment has more raw options than construction.
A SC with unique artifacts can be very powerful, yet Construction by itself doesn't allow for many SC options. You have the Golems yet with Dominions_3 I have found it quite easy to take down most SCs especially when they rely purely on items to survive.
Those options that allow you to take down SC easily do not lie in enchantment. Construction has more chassis option than it would first appear; golems, the djinn, mummies from amon hotep, werewolves, and anything national. Granted many of these are fairly poor chassis, but many schools (like enchantment) lack good ways to deal even with them.
Of course these second chance spells are not useful for most games. Yet again my point is the more options the greater the value.
Construction doesn't exactly lack them either, it has the Ankh. Again we come to which has more options, so I'll just say one more time, I think you are overlooking a great many options available to construction, and overestimating the number of enchantment options you can access in any given game.