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Old September 18th, 2007, 12:58 PM

PyroStock PyroStock is offline
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Default Re: Most Usefull Research Path...

For longer games you could allow the first two levels of all paths, to let players have access to many must have spells. I can't imagine a game on a big map without the site searching spells
Although tempting, if I was Blood I would rather have the other path nations suffer with needing higher path requirements and time to hinder their gem income and limit their access to good sites.

Huzurdaddi said:
PyroStock said:
Besides you have to go kill that Enchantment Nation before they get Arcane Nexus up.
LOL! What is he going to do with all of those gems? Dispell people to death?
My last comment was more in jest, hence the wink at the end. But depending on the size of the map and number of players Nexus can prove quite nice even after Alchemy, especially if other players dismiss it and use their gems as usual.

To rephrase your question back at you, if you have the pearls for Arcane Nexus (& extra to keep it from being dispelled/removed) and choose not to cast it then what are you going to spend all those pearls on instead... you plan to dispell people to death? If so, I know of an enchantment spell that will get you more pearls. All hail Lord of Dispelling Enemies to Death!
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