Re: Host delay?
I'm personally pretty impressed with Lanka. Considering how much of a punch it could pack even with the ****ty cards I was given, it's awesome. The only big downside it has is the lack of and vulnerability to fire (and lack of astral, too, but there are others with the same problem), which isn't hard to abuse - kind of obvious why I attacked Sauromatia when they went all "zomg war lol" instead of Abysia - that insanely huge ghoul chaffy army would've actually been useful against a large Sauromatian army. All he met was the remains of the army, which doesn't really count for much.
To put things into perspective... My gem income was 2-3 above my regular cap gem income even after a lot of site searching. About half of my provinces were wasteland/border mountain combos, which did me in monetarily, not to mention Baalz being an *** and expanding to certain locations just to screw me over. I had a couple of farmlands and a farmland with a border mountain which I could've blood hunted in, but I also needed the money for upkeep on my mages, which kind of made me think that using blood right then and there wouldn't have been the best course of action.
And I still survived, even with two much larger sides fighting against me, a hefty number of turns!