To Thrawn: The Empires of Ulm and Marignon has been gnawed to mere skeletons. Abyssia casted the Forge of the Ancients folowed by R'lyehs Well of Misery and Machaka's Eternal Pyre & Gift of Health. Ulm only has one meek fort left and it's sieged. Panganea/Pythium and Machaka/Abyssia are exchanging some weak blows against one other, but recently R'lyeh busted out of the gates with elemental royalty and artifacts, attacking Machakas back. things are looking grim for Abyssia/Machaka, but we'll won't fall without a fight.
To Jutetrea; I'm really enjoying this game and yes, there can be definitive support/attack roles. I'm a supporter, myself. When I tried to wage war I almost got my *** handed to my Baalz's Ulm, to be honest. Destruction is nice against Abyssia. Luckily Dr.P was kind enough to kick Ulm's *** for me

. 2v2v2v2 is nice, but I think there should be more teams to allow for more diplomacy. The early game played a bit too much like a 4 player blitz to my liking. Wraparound map would also be good, I'm currently stuck in a corner and it's really limiting my options

. One thing to remember about these team games is that you should have more time to your turns than normally since you need to contact yuor ally once in a while. Luckily I ogt my IrC access working, communicating by PM's or E-mails wouldn't have been enough.
It's a bit early to say this, but I think that these "team games" are a succesfull experiment. More should be created.