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Old September 23rd, 2007, 01:55 PM
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Default Re: POLL - Weakest Among All

I didn't vote for 3 per era as I don't consider many of these weak besides MA where I voted for Agartha, Ulm, and Tien Chi. Mictlan is on my list for MA as well, but with only 3 to pick, I chose these.

Early I voted for Marverni only. EA R'Lyeh has some problems getting a strong foothold on land early, but they have good mages and the Mind Lords have Enslave Mind as a normal attack. I can see where some people shake their heads at playing them though. I was surprised to see Yomi getting any weak votes. I have always done very well with them, barring my first ever MP game where the issue was my poor play, not their performance.

Late I chose only Abysia as they are a notorious underachiever. The rest I have not played much or have done well with.
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Egad! I hope not! That's where I keep all my stuff!
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