Re: POLL - Weakest Among All
> > I am curious, why are Agartha and T'ien C'hi considered weak? Especially mid
> > T'ien C'hi, I consider them rather powerful, but obviously I am very
> > inexperienced.
> TC have the worst battle magic out of all of MA.
Their "build anywhere" mages are worse than Ulm's. Make that much worse than
Ulm's. Their capital only mages can be nice, but you never get enough of
them, and they can be mind dueled by many enemies that cost one third as much.
Their magic picks are an exercise in frustration... They can get very useful
mages with a good roll, but somehow you never get what you hope for. And when
someone is fighting you and you need something specific there and then, you
do not want to wait and wait.
I would like to see some love for MA TC myself.
No good deed goes unpunished...