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Old September 25th, 2007, 05:05 AM
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Default Re: POLL - Weakest Among All

EA Marverni and MA Ulm do very much deserve the votes they both got.

MA Ulm is weak all the way through the game, they need a HUGE amount of good luck, more than luck-3 can provide. To do well as MA Ulm you after hope you get neighbours you can fight, tramplers, no strong bless nation. You also need to get incredibly lucky on site searching, so you have some kind of late game.

EA Marverni is very weak in the early game. Mid/late game are not too bad because of the strong astral/earth magic. However, they will usually be knocked out early or be stuck with a small kingdom, which will wither away.

EA Ulm and LA Ulm are getting tarred with same brush as MA Ulm which is unfair. EA Ulm/LA Ulm are both decent nations. LA Ulm is a excellent blood hunting nation, with a excellent spy/mage leader, a free chaff creating leader and tough troops. EA Ulm has access to a bless strategy of its own, still has the forge bonus but with more magic paths to take advantage, those warrior maidens are decent and they have good nature magic, along with access to several different paths.

MA Agartha is weak'ish early on but does have some strong possibilities later. It could do with a few more leader/mage units. EA Agartha/LA Agartha are perfectly balanced nations.

MA T'ien C'hi is not that bad either and is going to get strengthed in the upcoming patch, same with MA Mictlan.

As far as LA Abysia is concerned, just compare MA Abysia with LA Abysia, then you realize why they got so many votes.
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