jutetrea said:
6. Add short mini-movies for a victory, or even one of those dynamic text based things - "name of god" defeats x,y,z and goes off to do 1,2,3 possibly determined by the random god name, paths, or type of victory. As it stands now victory is pretty much anti-climatic. Possibly make it so there are "rare" combos depending on pretender chassis, paths, victory type (possibly the aforementioned stats as well).
I really like that, especailly a text-based one. It would give a reason to actually finish large single player games, especially when the outcome is clear only towards the end. Won't help games where I put up the nexus on turn 35 and then realize the computer will never dispel it, but if it's just a matter of pushing through the last few provinces to the computers capital, it'd be a great incentive. Ideally, make it moddable, so people could add to the list of possibilities...
How much code would that take? It wouldn't be a whole lot, would it? Especailly if it were based on your god, and NOT his actions, since that would require logging them, and I don't believe the game tacks previous turns to any great extent...