Frostmourne27 said:
How much code would that take? It wouldn't be a whole lot, would it? Especailly if it were based on your god, and NOT his actions, since that would require logging them, and I don't believe the game tacks previous turns to any great extent...
I have to admit that this is one of the few suggestions Ive seen that seems like it could happen. It probably wouldnt take much to have the "end of game" line in the code jump to something that plays a movie thats in the Dom3 directory. And it wouldnt bog down the game since the heavy piece (the movie) would be separate.
PLEASE NOTE! I have said that its a good idea BEFORE I fell to my bad habit.
Hmmmmmmmm (I understand that some people have started hating it when the see me start a Hmmmmm section). We could do something without waiting for the devs if we wanted to.
If logging is turned on the the log file does announce the end of game. It looks like this....
checkcrc: /home/domgames/dominions3/savedgames/bl_selectmen/late_ctis.2h
checkcrc done. len 157609 crc 31424 readcrc 31424
get 2h data for player 60
The true God has ascended!
A view of the directory shows the other player files, and the last date that player turned one in. Such as (linux version)
-rw-r--r-- 1 domgames domgames 4432 2007-08-10 19:51 late_agartha.2h
-rw-r--r-- 1 domgames domgames 2945 2007-08-23 14:41 late_arcoscephale.2h
-rw-r--r-- 1 domgames domgames 12508 2007-08-27 12:39 late_jomon.2h
The scores file can give the final count of provinces, armies, and how many turns the game ran.
Althogether it would be pretty easy to write something that said
In the Spring of the 20th year of the Ascension Wars, the god of C'tis is recognized as the ONE TRUE GOD having defeated Agartha followed by Arcoscephale and finally Jomon.
Your icon for running the game can check to see if there has been a win, then do all that (postexec switch).
Host servers could do something like that pretty easily and make a webpage out of it.
With some of the tools on my server (ImageMagick) I could even select images, add text, create animation, and save off a movie based on all of the info. I think I can get the image number of the god the player chose. And the titles if I grab it from the very first log in each game. But the name of the god seems the hardest to get.