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Old September 28th, 2007, 03:08 PM

jutetrea jutetrea is offline
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Default Re: POLL: How Do You Play?

That would be good, but could it be taken a step further.

Can the status of the god or even better the initial stats of the god be checked? Chassis type?

Have it do a quick mad libs check relating to the paths, xp lvl and chassis just for flavor text. Possibly using phrases from a file relating to the random god titles you get at pretender creation.

I would assume it could be coded similar to how the random titles are generated in the first place.

John, god of everything, mover of mountaints, cyclops, 9e4n

0-3e = a,b,c (title, generic action, final action)
4-6e = d,e,f
7-9e = g,h,i
4-6n = j,k,l
cyclops = m,n,o

Titles are similar to creation titles but more volume or even just adjectives.
generic actions would just be aggressive verbs or small phrases
and final actions would be closure verbs or small phrases.

There's got to be some sort of mad lib program out there where you can create lists to the choices or link to other data.
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